ISO IEC TS 22424-2:2020 pdf free
ISO IEC TS 22424-2:2020 pdf free.Digital publishing一EPUB3 preservation一Metadata requirements
This document does not require copying of EPUB structural metadata to METS documents. Therefore,the structural metadata in METS is simple, only specifying the location of EPUB publication or publications in the SIP but not their internal structure. EPUB reading systems would not be able to use the structural metadata in a METS document, because they utilize structural metadata in the EPUB spine element when publications are rendered.
In order to eliminate uncertainty concerning the syntax and semantics of SIPs, submission agreements shall specify a METS profile or profiles which can be used to facilitate packaging of EPUB publications.This document can be used as a basis for these profiles. The profile can be part of the submission agreement, or linked to it. The latter approach was chosen in the Finnish Digital Library initiative; the benefit is that submission agreements will be relatively simple because technical details are stated in the document “Metadata requirements and preparing content for digital preservation”7). Finnish Digital Library initiative has published also a separate document titled “File formats”8), which lists the file formats suitable for ingest and preservation. Unfortunately, this document does not contain guidelines on how these file formats should be applied. EPUB is an example of a file format which is in principle archivable, but in practice can be used in a way which may makes long-term preservation challenging. The purpose of ISO/IEC TS 22424-1 is to provide guidelines for creation of archivable EPUB publications.
If just listing all the archivable file formats is not enough, it is also insufficient to provide just a list of mandatory preservation metadata elements. Element specific guidelines are often necessary. For instance, it is not enough to just say that SIPs must contain identifiers for EPUB publications. Producer and OAIS archive shall also agree on what needs to be identified (for instance, EPUB publications, their component parts, metadata records), which identifiers (ISBNs, DOIs, URNs, etc.) are accepted and – just to give an EPUB specific example on identifier usage – whether EPUB release identifiers are acceptable.Metadata is crucial in digital archiving, because it affects all the steps in the preservation process一ingest, archival, and dissemination. When a producer and an OAIS archive decide on which identifiers to use, this may have an impact not only on SIPs, but also on archival information packages (AIPs) and dissemination information packages (DIPs) the archive will be able to create.ISO IEC TS 22424-2 pdf free.