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ISO 9463:2019 pdf free

ISO 9463:2019 pdf free.Nuclear energy一Nuclear fuel technology一Determination of plutonium in nitric acid solutions by spectrophotometry
The analyst shall use available information to estimate the concentration of the sample and adjust the volume V1, of sample (solution to analyse) so that the final concentration is likely to be less than the calibration solution. If the result of the measurement shows that the sample concentration is higher than expected and is above the concentration of the calibration solution (prepared in,a new sample dilution shall be made to ensure that the concentration of the injected solution is less than the concentration of the calibration solution.
If needed, the nitrate concentration should be adjusted to 3 mol-1-1, by the addition of nitric acid, of appropriate concentration. The effect of the sample and standard matrices can be significant. It is essential to match the matrix of both samples and standards to minimize the uncertainty of the method. If no effort is made to match matrices, then the analyst shall carefully characterize the effect or consequence of the mismatch between matrices. For this reason, it is recommended that the nitrate concentration be adjusted to 3 mol-1-1.
The analyst shall use available information to estimate the concentration of the sample and adjust the volume V1, of sample (solution to analyse) so that the final concentration is likely to be less than the calibration solution. If the result of the measurement shows that the sample concentration is higher than expected and is above the concentration of the calibration solution ( prepared in, a new sample dilution shall be made to ensure that the concentration of the injected solution is less than the concentration of the calibration solution.
The measurement of the absorbance can be done with the trapezoid method using at least three wavelengths to determine the height of the peak (maximum absorbance) or with other statistical methods that are equally valid. The chosen points on both sides of the peak should be representative of the background.To improve the result with the trapezoid method, using a range of 3 to 5 wavelengths can be required to determine the height or area of the peak.ISO 9463 pdf free download.

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