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ISO 633:2019 pdf free

ISO 633:2019 pdf free.Cork一Vocabulary
extraction of part of the cork ( bark covering living cork oak trees, performed every 9 years at least. It is carried out during the period of the year that physiologically allows its easy separation from the tree, without causing damage to the tree’s vascular cambium
Note 1 to entry: In French, different terms are used for the first extraction “demasclage” and for subsequent extractions “levee”. In English, the term “stripping” is always used for all the extractions.
cork ( obtained from the first stripping ( of reproduction cork ( and formed after the stripping of the virgin cork (, not useable by the cork industry for transformation by shaping
Note 1 to entry: There is no specific term in English and French.
Note 2 to entry: This type of cork is called “secundei-ra” in Portugal and “segundero” in Spain.
reproduction cork ( stripped after first reproduction cork (, fit to be used by the cork industry for transformation by shaping or granulation
Note 1 to entry: This type of cork is called “amadia” in Portugal and “corcho fabrica” in Spain.
low quality reproduction cork (, that has not been boiled and is not suitable for transfor-mation by shaping
low quality second reproduction cork ( who has undergone boiling (3.3.2) process,making it suitable as raw material for the produc-tion of cork granules ( for the cork stopper industry (3.3.9) virgin cork ( or reproduction cork ( stripped from recently felled trees or from cut off branches deriving from maintenance or prophy-lactic pruning
virgin cork (, originally obtained either by stripping ( the bark after cutting it with an adze or a hatchet, or by mechanical stripping along the axis of the branches, still showing frag-ments of inner bark and/or lignified tissue virgin cork ( or reproduction cork ( which has not undergone any treatment after stripping (
Note 1 to entry: Raw cork keeping the shape of the trunk and branches is called “cannon”.
Note 2 to entry: The designation “burnt” is added to raw cork when it is stripped from trees scorched by fire (see 633 pdf free download.

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