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ISO 4829-2:2016 pdf free

ISO 4829-2:2016 pdf free.Steels – Determination of total silicon contents – Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method
In parallel with the determination and following the same procedure, carry out two blank tests using the same quantities of all the reagents but using, to the nearest 0,001 g, approximately 0,5 g of pure iron (4.1) instead of test portion.
It is essential that blank values be controlled at consistently low and reproducible values. It is recommended that duplicate blanks be run with each batch of tests and the mean value be used as the basis for calculation. High or divergent blank values shall be considered unacceptable and steps shall be taken to trace the source of contamination by checking the quality of water and individual reagents before proceeding further. In particular, sodium peroxide and potassium permanganate require careful selection as some grades of these reagents give high blank values. It is recommended that the absorbance blank reading does not exceed 0,050, which is equivalent to 0,008 % (mass fraction) silicon with a 4 cm optical path length.
Introduce the test portion (7.1) into a 250 ml polypropylene or polytetrafluoroethylene beaker (5.1).Add 85 ml of hydrochloric/nitric acids mixture (4.5), cover with a lid (5.1) and heat gently to dissolve the test portion, without incurring significant loss of volume.
When effervescence has ceased, filter the solution through a hardened close-texture filter paper of specified low ash content and collect the filtrate in a 500 ml beaker. Rinse the beaker with 20 ml of hot water, remove adherent particles with a rubber tipped rod and filter the rinsing fractions through the same filter paper. Wash the filter paper several times with 20 ml portions of hot water. Keep the filtrate.
Transfer the paper and residue into a zirconium crucible (5.2) and ignite at low temperature until carbonaceous matter has been removed, and then ignite in a furnace at 600 °C. Allow to cool and mix the residue with 0,25 g of sodium peroxide (4.2). Cover with an additional 0,25 g of sodium peroxide and heat in the furnace at 600 °C for 10 min. Allow to cool, add 15 ml of water, cover the crucible with a lid and allow the reaction to subside. Add 15 ml of sulphuric acid (4.4), stir to dissolve any precipitate and add to the filtrate obtained by the procedure given in 7.3.1. Rinse the crucible and lid with water and add the rinsing fractions to the filtrate.ISO 4829-2 pdf free download.

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