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ISO 20613:2019 pdf free

ISO 20613:2019 pdf free.Sensory analysis一General guidance for the application of sensory ana lysis in quality control
Input frorm target consumers should contribute to establishing sensory specifications of products. Key sensory attributes and their acceptable limits should be established on the recognition and acceptance of targeted consumers to ensure that the sensory QC programme can meet the needs of consumers and allow monitoring of the current quality of products (including competitive products in the market).Examples of defective products should be maintained to assist in resolving production problems or consumer complaints.
Sensory analysis and instrumental analysis are both powerful tools that can be used in QC. The relationship between sensory and instrumental data is needed to explore and validate the instrumental techniques to measure or provide information on the key sensory attributes of product. Sensory analysis is the only way to obtain direct measurement of perceived attributes. It assists in better understanding and satisfying the needs of consumers. AlI instrumental devices or analytical measures used to estimate sensory quality should be tested with the company’s products and production variability ranges, and validated with the sensory responses collected by sensory analysis.
When defining the sensory specifications/standards, several factors should be considered, such as marketing objectives, production variability, attributes that drive consumer acceptance, the nature of the product, manufacturing conditions and available resources. The specific objectives of the QC programme should also be taken into account. When the objective is to design a sensory QC programme to avoid sensory defects, the sensory quality standards will include a description of the most common defects in the product, including those defects resulting from inadequate characteristics of the raw materials used or from process conditions. Defects can also result from incorrect or prolonged storage or from accidental causes. When the objective of the QC programme is to control the featured sensory quality in a specific designation of origin or to compare the quality of an industrial product with competitors in the market, the sensory quality standards should include, not only the attributes defining their sensory profiles, but also those affecting acceptability.ISO 20613 pdf free download.

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