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ISO 19474:2018 pdf free

ISO 19474:2018 pdf free.Round timber一Visual characteristics一Methods of determination
maximum distance between a concave side surface of the first segment of round timber and the straight line that connects the central points at both ends of the first segment, in centimetres.maximum distance between a concave side surface of the second segment of round timber and the straight line that connects the central points at both ends of the second segment, in centimetres. maximum distance between the concave centre line of the first segment of round timber and the straight line that connects the central points at both ends of the first segment, in centimetres.maximum distance between the concave centre line of the second segment of round timber and the straight.line that connects the central points at both ends of the second segment, in centimetres.straight line, that connects the central points at both ends of the first segment, in metres.straight line that connects the central points at both ends of the second segment, in metres
On a cross cut, the lower end of the round timber is measured, at a distance not less than 1 m apart, by the greatest and smallest diameters under bark. The difference between two diameters is expressed in centimetres or as a percentage of the greatest diameter.
The diameters of round timber are measured at two ends without bark. For butt logs, the diameter is measured at a distance of 1 m from the larger end of round timber.
Determine as a difference between two diameters, divided by the distance in metres between the measurement points. The result is indicated in centimetres per 1 m of round timber.
Where there are some characteristics or mechanical damage at the point of measurement, the measurements should be taken at a distance of 5 cm from that point.
The measurements are made on the most representative area of the surface of round timber over a length of 1 m.
One of the following applies:
a) the deviation of grain is measured from a line parallel to the longitudinal axis of the trunk, i.e. by bark grooves on unbarked round timber [see Figure 9a)].
b) the deviation of grain is measured by wood grain on barked round timber [see Figure 9 b)].
c) in both cases, the result is expressed as a percentage of the diameter at the end of the round timber or in centimetres.ISO 19474 pdf free download.

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