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ISO 19127:2019 pdf free

ISO 19127:2019 pdf free.Geographic information – Geodetic register
The control body for the ISO geodetic register shall consist of experts nominated by ISO/TC 211. Each P-member and external liaison is permitted to nominate only one primary person and an alternate. The control body itself may also invite geodetic experts to join the control body for a specified period of time. The Chair and Co-Chair of the control body shall be nominated by the International Association of Geodesy. The membership of the control body shall be reviewed every two years or as needed (e.g. for resignations). In rendering decisions to address specific technical issues, the control body may consult with external technical advisors as required.
The control body is responsible for approving the content of the ISO geodetic register and advising the register manager of its decisions.
Control body decisions shall be made by consensus. In the event that a consensus is not possible a decision may be made if there is a two thirds (2/3) voting majority of members. A minimum of three (3) votes is required.
The minimum level of information that the register manager shall accept from a submitting organization is complete data for a coordinate reference system that conforms to the requirements as specified in Clause 8. The register manager shall also accept data for compound coordinate reference systems, single coordinate operations and concatenated coordinate operations that conform to the requirements of ISO 19111:2007 and Clause 8.
The register manager shall assign individual registration identifiers for records for entities so that multiple records can point to them. Records for geodetic register entities are interdependent. When a record for an entity is modified, dependent records shall be assessed and,if required, modified.
The ISO geodetic register shall conform to the International Association of Geodesy’s convention for a geocentric Cartesian coordinate system, with origin at the centre of the Earth, that the Z axis is along the Earth’s rotation axis through the north pole, X is in the plane of the equator and through the intersection of the prime meridian with the equator, and Y is in the plane of the equator forming a right-handed coordinate system (refer to C.3.1).ISO 19127 pdf free download.

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