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ISO 18566-2:2017 pdf free

ISO 18566-2:2017 pdf free.Building environment design一Design, test methods and control of hydronic radiant heating and cooling panel systems
The cooling system is to be carried out in order that the temperature difference between the six surrounding inside surfaces of the test booth is not higher than 0,5 K. The temperature difference between inlet and outlet shall not be higher than 0,5 K. That condition shall be maintained at the tests for the determination of the characteristic equation.
For covering the cooling capacity, the test booth will be heated with a number of electrical heated cooling load simulators (see Annex B) which are positioned on the floor of the test booth (see Figures B.1 and B.2).
Differing from these definitions, the surfaces, floor and ceiling of the test booth shall be insulated in the way that the average heat flow in those surfaces is lower than 0,40 W/m2 during the test. This heat flow shall be determined by preliminary calibration tests of the booth or by calculations.
The reference temperature during the measurement shall be 32 °C±0,5 K in the steady condition for a minimum of 30 min. The temperature(s) of inner surfaces of walls, floor and ceiling of the test booth (under the insulation) shall be controlled and be kept on a value, which is necessary to guarantee a maximum temperature difference between these surfaces and the reference temperature of less than 1,0 K.The test booth will be heated with six electrical heated cooling load simulators, which are positioned on the floor of the test booth. The output of each simulator shall not exceed 180 W and shall be continuously adjustable, e.g. with an adjustable transformer or a thyristor. Each simulator shall have an identical heat output and the same number of bulbs.
The housing of the simulators consists of painted steel sheet. The emissivity of the inside and outside surface shall be at least 0,9. The active power of the simulators shall be measured with a measuring instrument of the accuracy class 1,0 % or better.ISO 18566-2 pdf free download.

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