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BS ISO 20928:2018 pdf free

BS ISO 20928:2018 pdf free.Tools for pressing一Spring plungers with helicoidal compression steel spring or gas spring
This document specifies dimensions, stroke and forces of spring plungers with steel spring or gas spring.This document applies to spring plungers which are used in tool manufacture for separating the tool and the sheet-metal part after stamping or forming operations.It also gives information concerning their use and installation example of spring plungers steel spring or gas spring.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definition are listed in this document
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
一ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp
一IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
4 Basic principles
In the case of spring plungers with steel springs or gas springs, lateral forces are to be kept as low as possible. In the gas spring version, the filler opening is located vertically in the cylinder bottom (no filling through the piston rod).
5 Calculation basics
The calculation basics for spring plungers with gas springs are identical to those in the ISO 11901 series,except that the maximum impact velocity of 0,8 m/s shall not be exceeded.Maximum recommended working stroke is 90 % of L2 (see Table 2).
6 Dimensions
6.1 Spring plunger with steel spring
The dimensions of spring plungers with steel spring shall be in accordance with the indications of Eigure 1 and Table 1.
6.2 Spring plunger with gas spring
The dimensions of spring plungers with gas spring shall be in accordance with the indications of Figure 2, Figure 5 and Table 2.
The dimensions of the fitting tool for spring plungers with gas spring shall be in accordance with the indications of Figure 3.
CAUTION一It is not allowed for safety reasons to remove forward sealing set.
7 Installation example
An installation example of gas spring plunger for snipping application is given in Figure4.BS ISO 20928 pdf free download.

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