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BS ISO 20488:2018 pdf free

BS ISO 20488:2018 pdf free.Online consumer reviews – Principles and requirements for their collection, moderation and publication
Any solicitation for a review of a product or service sent by the review administrator, or the supplier,should be sent at a time appropriate for the consumer to write a review.
NOTE For example the terms and conditions can state a specific time frame within which the invitation could be sent following the consumer experience.
The review invitation shall clearly indicate, or give access to, the following information.
a) Who is soliciting the review:
– the review administrator or a third party acting on behalf of the review administrator or the supplier; and
– if the review administrator is the actual supplier, this should also be clear in the review invitation.
b) Details of the product or service for which a review is being sought.
Furthermore, the review invitation should also indicate, or give access to, the following additional information:
1) how the review will be used (in particular whether it is intended to be published, and where);
2) what content and review author identification information will be published; and
3) how to consult the terms and conditions of the review administrator’s site.
If more than one person (for example, a family) has had a consumer experience linked to a single purchase, the review administrator reserves the right to solicit either the purchaser of the product or service, or any of the consumers linked to the purchase.
Verification that the review author is a real person and confirmation of the consumer experience taking place may be obtained from a database belonging to the review administrator, the supplier or its distributor.
NOTE If the consumer experience cannot be confirmed, the information can be obtained by means of a form,email or other mechanism.
The review administrator should no longer send invitations if, at any point, the review administrator learns that the evaluated product or service has been discontinued or is no longer offered by the supplier.BS ISO 20488 pdf free download.

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