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BS ISO 18580:2015 pdf free

BS ISO 18580:2015 pdf free.Motorcycles一Verification of total running resistance force during mode running on a chassis dynamometer
The equivalence between the target and measured total running resistance force is verified by the linear regression statistical analysis. Data combination of target and measured total running force shall be plotted as shown in Figure 1 and the performance of chassis dynamometer shall be evaluated from the slope and intercept of the regression line, correlation coefficient and relative standard deviation.
Data sets of speed, chassis dynamometer absorption force and total friction loss of a chassis dynamometer shall be simultaneously measured during the mode running in a time series. If the total friction loss of a chassis dynamometer cannot be simultaneously measured, the total friction loss shall be determined from the relationship between speed and total friction loss which is obtained prior to the test.
Both target and measured total running resistance force shall be calculated from adequate data sets of speed, chassis dynamometer absorption force and total friction loss of a chassis dynamometer by Formulae (1) and (2), respectively.
The relationship between target and measured total running resistance force obtained in 4.2.2 shall be plotted as shown in Figure 1. The slope and intercept of the regression line, correlation coefficient and relative standard deviation shall be calculated in accordance with following formulae using all data
sets measured during the mode running.
The equivalence between the measured and target total running resistance force shall be evaluated by comparison with tolerances of slope and intercept of the regression line, correlation coefficient and relative standard deviation.
Both target and measured integral work shall be calculated from adequate data sets of speed,chassis dynamometer absorption force and total friction loss of a chassis dynamometer by Formulae (7) and (8), respectively. The integral work error, ew, shall be calculated in accordance with Formula (9).
The data logger shall be capable of sampling and logging the signals of the chassis dynamometer roller speed, chassis dynamometer absorption force and chassis dynamometer friction loss at the frequency of at least 50 ms. If the signal of chassis dynamometer friction loss cannot be logged simultaneously, the functions of speed obtained prior to the test shall be used for the verification. The memory capacity for data logging shall be large enough to store all the data during the test cycle. Data conversion system shall be the A/D conversion. It is desirable to use a stand-alone system, while a built-in system is permissible.BS ISO 18580 pdf free download.


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