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BS ISO 18195:2019 pdf free

BS ISO 18195:2019 pdf free.Method for the justification of fire partitioning in water cooled nuclear power plants (NPP)
The current methodology extends the performance assessment of a fire resistant product to a longer duration compared to that of the rating assessment. The methodology set up remains within the framework of the fire resistance test, namely a flashover or similar in terms of temperature and pressure distribution.
Unlike the current method of verification of robustness of fire partition elements, it will be the responsibility of the operator to demonstrate that fire resistance tests are representative of operational conditions.
Precautions include the following:
一a very fast growth capable of generating thermal shocks greater than those given by the conventional curve (mainly represented by a temperature rise time in℃/min): it can be for example assumed that, based on the recorded sampling time during ISO-fire tests, the maximum temperature rise is limited to 329 °C /min. This should be compared to the maximum temperature increase over 1 minute during the real scenario. Same approach may be performed for any other conventional curves (ASTM, Hydrocarbon, etc.). Nevertheless, this aspect is controlled by the method through the fire temperature curve slope considerations (see 4.2).
一a confined fire excessively ventilated and isolated with a fire load composed on material with high combustion heat is capable to produce very high temperatures (greater than those obtained with the conventional curve during the period tested) : fire behaviour of the partition element in such situation should be assessed using the adapted conventional temperature – time curve.Nevertheless this aspect is controlled by the method through the fire temperature curve maxima considerations (see 4.2).
Additional hose stream tests are sometimes required and are performed at the end of the fire tests for verifying the performance of the products with high-pressure water jet on the exposed phase (for example ASTM E2226[4Q]). The current methodology is based only on the fire behaviour of the product during the fire test period without taking into account the hose stream tests, which is consistent with the fire resistance ISO standards.BS ISO 18195 pdf free download.

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