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BS ISO 10752:2019 pdf free

BS ISO 10752:2019 pdf free.Coal sizing equipment一Performance evaluation
The misplaced material is read from each respective curve at the reference size, or sizes (see NOTE 1),and the values are inserted into the statement of sizing equipment performance in Table 3. The value of misplaced material for each respective product is converted to a percentage of that product (see NOTE 2), and the converted values are inserted into the statement in Table 3.
NOTE 1 It is convenient to construct an ordinate on the curves, at the reference size, or sizes, being considered (e.g. Sd, S50, Se), to assist in reading the three intercepting misplaced values.
NOTE 2 All values of misplaced material obtained from the curves are in terms of percentages of the reconstituted feed. Conversion to percentage of the respective product can be obtained by multiplying the corresponding curve by 100 and dividing by the yield value of the product under consideration (i.e. Ycor Ya).
NOTE 3 The procedure can be repeated for any other reference size.
The equal errors size, Se, is determined by reading the size that corresponds to the point of intersection of the misplaced material curves for coarser and finer products. Alternatively, the equal errors size can be determined from the size distribution curve for the reconstituted feed, as the size corresponding to the yield of the finer product. The equal errors size is inserted into the statement of sizing equipment performance in Table 3.
The near-size material, i.e. material within±25 % of the reference size or sizes, is determined from the size distribution curve for the reconstituted feed in Figure 2 and is inserted into the statement of sizing equipment performance in Table 3.
Other relevant characteristics of the feed material that influence the degree of difficulty of separation are inserted into the test and equipment data sheet, which varies according to the type of equipment under consideration. Examples of data sheets are given in Annexes B, C and D.
The presentation of the results of performance tests on coal sizing equipment shall include a report of the equipment details, test conditions and characteristics of the feed material, particularly those that influence the degree of difficulty involved in the separation. This information is inserted into the test and equipment data sheet. Since the parameters involved will vary for different categories of equipment,a specimen of the data sheet is not included in the general illustration, but models are presented in the specific worked examples given in Annexes B, C and D.BS ISO 10752 pdf free download.

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