AS NZS 3813:2016 pdf free
AS NZS 3813:2016 pdf free.Plastic monobloc chairs – Determination of strength and durability, stability, UV and weathering, and ignitability
Chairs that exhibit the indicators of declining mechanical properties or major colour changes prior to the minimum exposure hours required at the lower level of compliance, or those which were not subjected to the UV and weathering section of the standard, should be considered appropriate for indoor use only.
It should be noted that a chair that has achieved either of the UV and weathering compliance levels will still have a longer useful life if stored inside and used as much as possible out of the line of direct sunlight. It should also be noted that UV and weathering embraces many separate and highly variable effects and testing it is an imprecise science. Accelerated UV and weather testing procedures correlate imperfectly with long term exposure tests. For example, a chair that is judged suitable for intermittent outdoor use in Townsville (where the average global radiation is 1 80 kLy/year would most likely be suitable for continuous outdoor use in Hobart (where the average global radiation is 100 kLy/year). The UV and weathering tests in this Standard don’t‘map’directly to the exposure levels expected in any particular Australian town or location. They are, however, more closely aligned with higher exposure areas (such as Townsville) than with lower exposure areas (such as Hobart).
The strength and durability tests in this Standard shall be performed at any ambient temperature between 18°C and 25°C. A polymer product proven to have satisfactory performance within this temperature range is not necessarily going to perform the same way outside this range. At lower temperatures, it is likely to be stiffer, but more brittle. At higher temperatures, it is likely to be more flexible, but tougher. Chairs that are expected to be used predominantly in environments at either extreme of the normal outdoor temperature range (5°C≥t≥35°C,i.e. 5°C and below or 35°C and above), or which are made using polymers known to have mechanical properties that significantly degrade close to the ambient test temperature range (18°C- 25°C), are outside the scope of this Standard and should be subject to separate and appropriate specialist evaluation.AS NZS 3813 pdf free download.