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AS NZS 62676.1.2:2020 pdf free

AS NZS 62676.1.2:2020 pdf free.Video surveillance systems for use in security applications
Clause 6 and the next clauses of this standard define requirements on basic IP connectivity of video transmission devices to be used in security applications. If a video transmission device is used in security, certain basic requirements apply. First of all a basic understanding of IP connectivity needs to be introduced which requests the device to be compliant to fundamental network protocols. These could be requirements which may be applied to all IP security devices even beyond IP video. For this reason requirements are introduced in a second step for compliance to basic streaming protocols, used in this standard for video streaming and stream control. Since security applications need high availability and reliability, general means for the transmission of the video status and health check events have to be covered.These are defined in general requirements on eventing and network device management. In
security proper maintenance and setup is essential for the functioning of the video transmission device. Locating streaming devices and their capabilities is a basic requirement and covered in’ device discovery and description’.
address of a host computer used in the Internet Protocol
Note 1 to entry:‘The IP address corresponds to a fully qualified domain name. At present, it consists of 32 bits and is generally represented by a sequence of four decimal numbers (each in the range from 0 to 255), separated by dots. The IP address of a computer usually comprises two parts: a part corresponding to the network number of the network on which this computer is located, and a part identifying the computer within its network. In the new version IPv6 of the Internet Protocol, the IP address consists of 128 bits.
Note 2 to entry: The Internet protocol is not limited to the Internet, and may be used on other networks.AS NZS 62676.1.2 pdf free download.

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