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AS IEC 60060.2:2018 pdf free

AS IEC 60060.2:2018 pdf free.High-voltage test techniques
Every approved measuring system shall undergo initial testing, followed by performance tests (periodic, see 4.2) and performance checks (periodic, see 4.3) throughout its service life. The initial tests consist of type tests (performed on a component or system of the same design) and routine tests (performed on every component or system).
The performance tests and checks shall prove that the measuring systems can measure the intended test voltages within the uncertainties given in this standard, and that the measurements are traceable to national and/or international standards of measurement. The system is approved only for the arrangements and operating conditions included in its record of performance.
A major requirement for a converting device, a transmission system, and a measuring instrument used in a measuring system is stability within the specified range of operating conditions so that the scale factor of the measuring system remains constant over long periods.
The assigned scale factor is determined in the performance test by calibration. The user shall apply tests given in this standard to qualify their measuring system(s). Alternatively, any user may choose to have the performance tests made by a National Metrology Institute or by a Calibration Laboratory accredited for the quantity to be calibrated. In all cases, the user shall include the test data into the record of performance.
The results of all tests and checks, including the conditions under which the results were obtained, shall be kept in the record of performance (stored in paper format or electronically if permitted by quality systems and local laws) established and maintained by the user. The record of performance shall uniquely identify the components of the measuring system and shall be structured so that performance of the measuring system can be traced over time.
For measuring systems or components manufactured before the date of issue of the second edition of IEC60060-2, i.e. 1994, the required evidence may not be available for some part(s) of the type and routine test. Then performance tests and checks made in accordance with earlier versions of this standard are deemed adequate provided they show the scale factor is stable. The results of these previous checks shall also be entered in the record of performance.AS IEC 60060.2 pdf free download.

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