AS NZS 5121:2015 pdf free
AS NZS 5121:2015 pdf free.Information technology – Vocabulary – Learning, education and training
Section 2 comprises a number of entries. Each entry consists of a set of essential elements that includes an index number, a term designating the concept (the preferred term), possibly accompanied by synonyms or abbreviations, and a phrase defining the concept.In addition, an entry may include examples, notes or ilustrations to facilitate understanding of the concept.
Each entry contains the essential elements defined in 1.3.1 and, if necessary, additional elements. The entry may contain the following elements in the following order:
a) an index number (common for all languages in which this part of ISO/IEC 2382 is published);
b) the term or the generally preferred term in the language. The absence of a generally preferred term for the concept in the language is indicated by a symbol consisting of five points …. a row of dots may be used to indicate, in a term, a word to be chosen in a particular case;
c) the preferred term in a particular country (identified according to the rules of ISO 3166). In that case, it is the responsibility of the national body of that country to determine the equivalent (preferred) term in the languages of the country.
The selection of terms and the wording of definitions aims, as far as possible, to follow established usage.However, the context of usage (including application,cultural, and linguistic factors) may lead to apparent contradictions. Terms with broadly inconsistent usage are indicated as such. Where consensus is not possible a majority solution is sought. Where contradictory usages reflect established practice then appropriate notes are recorded.
In some terms, a word or words printed in bold typeface are placed between parentheses. These words are part of the complete term, but they may be omitted when use of the abridged term in a technical context does not introduce ambiguity. In the text of another definition, example, or note of ISO/IEC 2382,such a term is used only in its complete form.
In some entries, the terms are followed by words in parentheses in normal typeface. These words are not a part of the term but indicate directives for the use of the term, its particular field of application, or its grammatical form.AS NZS 5121 pdf free download.