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ISO 9927-3:2019 pdf free

ISO 9927-3:2019 pdf free.Cranes一Inspections一Tower cranes.
Daily inspection shall be performed before starting. This inspection shall consist of a visual inspection (in general, no dismantling is required) and functional tests as defined hereafter.They shall be carried out by a competent person (e.g. the crane operator).
The inspections before each start shall take in:
a) the functioning of mechanisms, in particular the brakes (generally without load);
b) the functioning of limiting and indicating devices; and
c) observation of conspicuous defects, including ropes.
Periodic inspections are inspections made periodically, as indicated in 7.3, and after each re-erection.Periodic inspections shall comprise visual inspections (in general, no dismantling is required), and functional tests, both with and without load, as defined below.
They shall be carried out by a competent person (e.g. an experienced technician, see ISO 9927-1).
The competent person shall be in possession of:
一the report of the previous inspections; and
一the automatic registered data, where available, (cycles, hours, days, loads, etc.) permitting knowledge of the service time of the components for which data exist.
Tower cranes shall be inspected at least each year and after each re-erection.
NOTE 1 Some verifications can be performed when the tower crane is dismantled.
NOTE 2 Changing the hoist rope reeving, i.e. from 2 falls to 4 falls or addition of a jib extension or tower section are not considered as dismantling and re-erection.
NOTE 3 After folding and unfolding of a self-erecting tower crane, there is need only for an inspection limited to 7.2 b), c), f), g) and h).
Periodic inspections shall be recorded. This report shall indicate the components verified and remaining defects. An example of such a report is presented in Table C.1.The report shall be given to a person who can make a suitable decision (to leave the tower crane in use,repair, thorough inspection of a part of the tower crane or the whole tower crane, limitation of use).
When dismantling, special care shall be taken in order to avoid mistakes or wrong operation while following the maintenance instructions. If these are not available, the manufacturer of the tower crane or of the component concerned should be contacted for assistance.ISO 9927-3 pdf free download.

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