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ISO 21264:2019 pdf free

ISO 21264:2019 pdf free.Surface active agents – Detergents – Determination of alkylphenol ethoxylates
The sample is weighed into a vial and extracted in methanol using an ultrasonic bath. Subsequently the extract is filtered and analysed using high performance chromatography system with diode array detector (DAD) or fluorescence detector (FLD). Quantification is achieved by external quantification method and using the relationship chromatographic peak through its unique its retention time.
Prepare calibration curve for samples of each APEO stock standard solution at required concentrations by adding aliquots of stock solutions to a 100 ml volumetric flask and then diluted with methanol to the desired calibration level. If lower reporting limit is required, lower concentration of calibration standard shall be prepared to cover the reporting limit. Each calibration curve is prepared using the respective stock solution. The preparation of the Level 5 standard can be accomplished using different volumes and concentrations of stock solutions as is accustomed in the individual laboratory.
The calibration vials shall be used within 24 h to ensure optimum results. Stock calibration standards are routinely replaced every 14 days if not previously discarded for quality control failure.Injection volumes of all calibration standards and extraction solutions at concentration gradient are made at 10,0 μl volume by autosampler under selected conditions. An aliquot of the extraction solution is automatically ejected onto a reverse phase column (6.6) for sample component separation. Under the chromatographic conditions given, the detection and identification of the chromatogram peaks can be identified by comparison with the retention times of the substances contained in the chromatogram of all the pure substances.
Test the samples by chromatography procedure and calculate the analyte level in sample based on the concentration measured according to the corresponding linear regression equations and peak areas. For quantitative analysis of the analytes, the target compounds are identified by comparison of retention times in the sample to those of the standards.
Using the calibration solution, establish a standard calibration curve. External calibration curves are used to calculate the amount of each individual target compound. The response value of sample solution should be within the linear range of the instrument detected. It is possible to dilute with methanol when sample concentration falls outside the calibration range.ISO 21264 pdf free download.

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