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ISO 22157:2019 pdf free

ISO 22157:2019 pdf free.Bamboo structures一Determination of physical and mechanical properties of bamboo culms一Test methods
Unless required by specific conditioning protocols, test specimens shall be stored, conditioned and tested in an environment having a temperature range of (23±3) °C, and relative humidity range of (65±5) %.
However, if tests results are to be used in the same environmental conditions in which testing took place, or if the laboratory is unable to follow the standard, storage, conditioning and testing under ambient temperature and relative humidity is permitted. The values of the temperature (±3 °C) and the relative humidity (±5 %) for the laboratory shall be recorded in the test report, alongside the moisture content determined for individual specimens.
The rate of load application of the testing machine shall be selected such that failure is reached within (300±120) s. Tests that fail in less than 30 s shall be removed from analysis. The load shall be applied continuously without interruption at the required rate throughout the test. For tests run in displacement control, the rate of traverse of the movable head of the testing machine shall be the free running or no-load speed of the head for mechanical drive type machines, and the loaded head speed for hydraulic or servo-hydraulic driven testing machines. The time to failure for each individual specimen shall be recorded in the test report.
All apparatus and testing equipment used in obtaining data shall be calibrated at sufficiently frequent intervals to ensure accuracy. A record of errors observed before calibration, the date and time of calibration and observations following calibration shall be maintained.
The culms selected shall fairly represent the total population that is to be used for construction purposes, even if the entire population is characterized by poor quality stock. Broken, damaged and discoloured culms shall be discarded. If a grading standard or protocol is being implemented, culms selected for testing should be subjected to the grading process prior to testing.ISO 22157 pdf free download.

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