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BS ISO 799-1:2019 pdf free

BS ISO 799-1:2019 pdf free.Ships and marine technology一Pilot ladders
Unless a special arrangement is needed to secure the ladder to an accommodation ladder, pilot ladder winch reel, or other custom installation, the ends of the side ropes shall be finished as follows.
a) If the ends of the side ropes terminate just above the top step (highest step), they shall round a thimble and the end shall be joined with a short splice.
b) The side ropes shall not have fittings or form loops at the bottom of the ladder that can be used to attach additional ladder sections or tripping lines.
c) If the ends of the side ropes on each side terminate just beneath the lowest step, the rope ends shall be securely fastened or otherwise treated to prevent fraying. The rope ends shall pass through the holes in the lowest step and use similar step fixtures as the other steps. A rope seizing, as per the other steps, shall be made immediately under step fixtures. A second rope seizing shall be provided 60 mm under the first seizing, see Figure 1B. The loose ends of the rope shall be whipped as close as possible to the second rope seizing to protect against fraying. An accepted method is a 25 mm whipping. The loose ends of the rope shall be as short as possible, but not less than 50 mm below the second seizing and under no circumstances can loops be allowed.
d) The ends of each side rope, which do not terminate in a splice or fitting, shall be served, whipped or otherwise treated to prevent fraying.
Each pair of side ropes shall be secured together, both above and below each step, with specially designed step fixtures (chocks or widgets) which hold each step level when the ladder is hanging freely.Alternative acceptable arrangements are shown in Figure 1B.
If a seizing method is used to secure steps and side ropes, step fixtures shall be used above and below the step. The step fixtures shall be designed to lead and support the side ropes from the step to the point above or below the step where the side ropes are seized together. The step fixtures shall be designed so that they stay in place when the ladder is rolled or the step is turned.BS ISO 799-1 pdf free download.

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