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ISO 8130-1:2019 pdf free

ISO 8130-1:2019 pdf free.Coating powders一Determination of particle size distribution by sieving
A weighed amount of the coating powder is separated into fractions by one or more sieves and the mass of the retained fraction on the sieve is determined. Sieve analysis can be carried out by using individual sieves or with a set of sieves either manually or using a machine. The transport of the coating powder particles through the sieve mesh is due to either gravity, shear and/or flow forces.
Test sieve with a sieve bottom, as specified in ISO 3310-1 and ISO 3310-2, circular with a sieving area having a diameter of 200 mm. Sieves with a sieving area having a diameter of 300 mm may also be used. The frame and the mesh of the test sieves shall be of metal. The range of nominal mesh apertures shall be between 32 pum and 300 μm or as agreed between the interested parties and shall comply with the specifications in ISO 565 for supplementary sizes, see Annex A. The test sieve shall be covered with a transparent lid.
The choice of mesh apertures, see Annex A, will depend on the test sample. If the approximate particle size distribution of the sample is known, then it is necessary to use only those test sieves that are appropriate to the particular particle size range. It is also permissible to restrict the choice of test sieves to those that give sufficient data for a specific purpose. Appropriate details shall be agreed between the interested parties.
Air-jet sieve apparatus (see Figure 1), consisting of a cylindrical casing which contains the test sieve (5.1). In the base of the casing shall be an outlet to which an extractor fan is connected and an air inlet to permit the injection of air.
The air inlet is connected to a jet rotating at 20 min-1 to 25 min-1 and consisting of a slot-shaped nozzle arranged radially beneath and very close to the sieve mesh. When the jet rotates, it blows air continuously through the mesh, preventing the coating powder particles from blocking the test sieve.The air is then extracted through the outlet, drawing the finer particles through the sieve.ISO 8130-1 pdf free download.

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