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ISO 9161:2019 pdf free

ISO 9161:2019 pdf free.Uranium dioxide powder – Determination of apparent density and tap density
Periodic calibration checks of the balance shall be performed using an appropriate control plan, which requires the user to define the frequency of calibration checks and appropriate acceptance criteria. A calibration programme for laboratory equipment as described in ISO/IEC 17025 is recommended.
Adjust the funnel so that its axis coincides approximately with that of the cylinder, with the bottom of the funnel orifice at a height of about 25 mm above the brim of the density cup or of about 50 mm above the mark. Close the orifice of the funnel.
Open the orifice of the funnel so that the powder flows steadily into the density cup.
Fill the density cup up to the mark which defines the volume (V1). Level the surface of the powder at this mark by carefully inclining the density cup and moving it back into vertical position. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that actions taken to level the surface of the powder do not cause packing of the powder, leading to an erroneous result.
Alternatively, fill the density cup which volume is measured up to the upper brim of the density cup.Use a spatula to remove powder which is over the brim of the density cup, to make the powder surface level at the open end of the density cup.
Adjust the counter to a suitable number of taps to obtain a constant powder volume (200 taps to 2 400 taps). The amplitude shall be about 2 mm to 3 mm. Record the number of taps and the tapping time.
For new processes, the appropriate number of taps required to obtain a constant powder volume shall be determined. An example of how to do this is found in ASTM C1770[6].
A measurement control program with appropriate quality control material(s) should be established to demonstrate satisfactory method performance. It is recommended to follow guidance in ISO/IEC 17025 for assuring the quality of results.ISO 9161 pdf free download.

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