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ISO 22300:2018 pdf free

ISO 22300:2018 pdf free.Security and resilience – Vocabulary
systematic, independent and documented process (3.180) for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled
Note 1 to entry: The fundamental elements of an audit include the determination of the conformity (3.45) of an object (3.151) according to a procedure (3.179) carried out by personnel (3.169) not being responsible for the object audited.
Note 2 to entry: An audit can be an internal audit (first party) or an external audit (second party or third party),and it can be a combined audit or a joint audit.
Note 3 to entry: Internal audits, sometimes called first-party audits, are conducted by, or on behalf of, the organization (3.158) itself for management (3.135) review (3.197) and other internal purposes, and can form the basis for an organization’s declaration of conformity. Independence can be demonstrated by the freedom from responsibility for the activity (3.1) being audited.
Note 4 to entry: External audits include those generally called second- and third-party audits. Second-party audits are conducted by parties having an interest in the organization, such as customers, or by other persons on their behalf. Third-party audits are conducted by external, independent auditing organizations such as those providing certification/registration of conformity or government agencies.
Note 5 to entry: When two or more management systems (3.137) are audited together, this is termed a combined audit.
Note 6 to entry: When two or more auditing organizations cooperate to audit a single auditee, this is termed a joint audit.
Note 7 to entry: “Audit evidence” and “audit criteria” are defined in ISO 19011.
Note 8 to entry: ISO 28000 specifies the requirements (3.190) for a security management (3.227) system.
party involved in the international movement of goods (3.98) in whatever function that has been approved by or on behalf of a national customs administration as conforming to relevant supply chain (3.251) security standards
Note 1 to entry: “Authorized economic operator” is a term defined in the World Customs Organization (WCO) (3.277) Framework of Standards.
Note 2 to entry: Authorized economic operators include, among others, manufacturers, importers, exporters,brokers, carriers, consolidators, intermediaries, ports, airports, terminal operators, integrated operators,warehouses and distributors.ISO 22300 pdf free download.

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