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ISO 21459:2015 pdf free

The purpose of this Recommended Standard is to specify synchronization and channel coding schemes used with the Proximity-I Data Link Protocol (reference [3]) and Physical Layer (reference [4]). Proximity space links are defined to be short-range, bi-directional,fixed or mobile radio links, generally used to communicate among probes, landers, rovers,orbiting constellations, and orbiting relays. These links are characterized by short time delays, moderate (not weak) signals, and short, independent sessions.
The Coding and Synchronization Sublayer is part of the Data Link Layer. The rest of the Data Link Layer is defined in the separate CCSDS Recommended Standard entitled, Proximnity-1 Space Link Protocol – Data Link Layer (reference [3]). The Physical Layer is defined in the separate CCSDS Recommended Standard entitled, Proximity-/ Space Link Protocol- Physical Layer (reference [4]).
This Recommended Standard applies to the creation of Agency standards and to future data communications over space links between CCSDS Agencies in cross- support situations. It applies also to internal Agency links where no cross-support is required. It includes specification of the services and protocols for inter-Agency cross support. It is neither a specification of, nor a design for, systems that may be implemented for existing or future missions.
The Recommended Standard specified in this document is to be invoked through the normal standards programs of each CCSDS Agency and is applicable to those missions for which cross support based on capabilities described in this Recommended Standard is anticipated.
Where mandatory capabilities are clearly indicated in sections of the Recommended Standard, they must be implemented when this document is used as a basis for cross support. Where options are allowed or implied, implementation of these options is subject to specific bilateral cross support agreements between the Agencies involved.
The CCSDS believes it is important to document the rationale underlying the recommendations chosen, so that future evaluations of proposed changes or improvements will not lose sight of previous decisions. Concept and rationale behind the decisions that formed the basis for Proximity-1 is documented in the CCSDS Proximity-1 Space Link Green Book (reference [EI]).ISO 21459 pdf free download.

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