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ISO 4043:2016 pdf free

ISO 4043:2016 pdf free.Simultaneous interpreting一Mobile booths一Requirements
Mobile booths shall be designed to provide insulation from any sound sources outside the booth (e.g. background noise and speech from neighbouring booths or the booth’s environment) and to ensure that participants in the conference hall are not disturbed by speech emanating from the booths. Where walls are shared by booths, all sound insulation values (see Table 1 and Table 2) shall be fully met.
Sound insulation shall be checked in accordance with ISO 16283-1 as a measure of the difference in sound pressure levels (D), using one of the booths as the receiving room, while white or pink noise is generated in the source room (i.e. the conference room or an immediately adjacent booth).
The sound pressure levels shall be measured in one third octave bands in the source and receiving rooms, and the difference between the two sets of sound pressure levels (D) shall at least equal the values given in Table 1 for the noise transmitted from the conference room to a booth, and vice versa.
Reverberation and sound reflection shall be reduced by using suitable sound-absorbent materials on inside surfaces. Reverberation time inside the booth (booth unoccupied) according to ISO 3382-2 shall be between 0,3 s and 0,5 s measured in the octave bands from 250 Hz to 8 000 Hz, or in one-third octave bands from 100 Hz to 5000 Hz.
The equivalent A-weighted sound pressure level inside the booth caused by the ventilation system shall not exceed 35 dBA, measured in the centre of the booth, 1,25 m above floor level. The ventilation system shall be designed in such a way that it is easily replaceable and does not cause any perceptible mechanical vibration.
The working surface shall extend across the full width of the booth; it shall be horizontal and covered with shockabsorbent material to reduce noise that would otherwise be picked up by the microphone(s). It shall be strong enough to take the weight of the interpreter’s consoles, of electronic equipment (e.g. laptops,tablets), of documents and of interpreters leaning on its surface. The under-surface shall be smooth.ISO 4043 pdf free download.

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