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BS ISO 18404:2015 pdf free

BS ISO 18404:2015 pdf free.Quantitative methods in process improvement一Six Sigma.You can click here to download.
The organization shall
a) define, maintain and control an appropriate, documented Six Sigma, Lean or “Lean & Six Sigma”strategy. This International Standard shall define the objectives of the approach and deployment.This will be part of the organization’s overall strategy and can be a separate document, and
b) define, maintain and control appropriate approaches and/or plans of action to achieve these objectives.
The organization shall
a) define, maintain and control Six Sigma, Lean or “Lean & Six Sigma”architecture appropriate to the organizational culture, to include infrastructure, steering committees, reporting structures,responsibilities/accountabilities, support,
b) define, maintain and control appropriate numbers and disposition of Six Sigma, Lean or “Lean & Six Sigma”personnel, at appropriate competence levels (see ISO 13053-1), and
c) define, maintain and control appropriate decision-making processes for the Six Sigma, Lean or “Lean & Six Sigma” approach and deployment.
The organization shall
a) determine the necessary competencies for Six Sigma, Lean or “Lean & Six Sigma”personnel subject to the minimum competencies contained in this International Standard,
b) where applicable, provide training or take other actions to achieve the necessary competence,
c) maintain the competencies of its personnel at appropriate levels,
d) evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken,
e) ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of their objectives, and
f) maintain appropriate records of education, training, skills, competencies and experience.
The organization shall
a) define, maintain and control appropriate deployment metrics to ascertain the adequacy, or otherwise, of Six Sigma, Lean or “Lean & Six Sigma”deployment and its continual improvement,
b) determine the required targets for these metrics,
c) review the achievement against these targets, and
d) review the continued relevance of the metrics and targets and update as appropriate.
Green Belts and Lean practitioners shall prepare and produce a portfolio of evidence of work experience.These portfolios form the basis of status review and will usually be reviewed internally every year by a Black Belt or Master Black Belt.BS ISO 18404 pdf free download.

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