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ISO 17403:2014 pdf free

ISO 17403:2014 pdf free.Rubber – Determination of magnesium content of field and concentrated natural rubber latices by titration
(cyanide-free method)
The precision of the test method was determined in accordance with ISO/TR 9272[1]. Refer to this document for terminology and other statistical details.
The precision data are given in Table A.1. The precision parameters should not be used for acceptance or rejection of any group of materials without documentation that the parameters are applicable to those particular materials and specific test protocols of the test method. The precision is expressed on the basis of a 95 % confidence level for the values established for repeatability r and reproducibility R.
The results contained in Table A.1 are average values and give an estimate of the precision of this test method. The results were obtained from an interlaboratory test programme (ITP) carried out in 2012 where six laboratories took part in performing duplicate analyses on two samples namely A and B which were prepared from high-ammonia latex.
Before the bulk was sub-sampled into three bottles labelled A, B and C, it was filtered and homogenized by thorough stirring. Thus essentially samples A, B and C were the same and were treated as such in the statistical computations. Each participating laboratory was required to carry out the test using these two samples, on the dates given to them.
Repeatability: the repeatability r (in measurement units) of the test method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated in Table A.1. Two single test results, obtained in the same laboratory under normal test method procedures that differ by more than the tabulated r (for any given level) should be considered to have come from different, or non-identical, sample populations.
Reproducibility: the reproducibility R (in measurement units) of the test method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated in Table A.1. Two single test results, obtained in the same laboratory under normal test method procedures that differ by more than the tabulated R (for any given level) should be considered to have come from different, or non-identical, sample populations.ISO 17403 pdf free download.

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