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ISO 2451:2014 pdf free

ISO 2451:2014 pdf free.Cocoa beans一Specification
procedure by which the cotyledons of cocoa beans are exposed for the purpose of determining the incidence of defective and/or slaty cocoa beans, and/or violet or purple beans, and/or the presence of contamination within a sample
commercial term designating cocoa beans which have been evenly dried throughout and of which the moisture content corresponds to the specified requirements as in 5.2
Any lot of cocoa beans shall be classified according to the categories listed below. Either Table 1, Table 2,or Table 3 shall be used for the classification. For all three types of classifications, the proportion of defective beans shall be determined by the test method specified in ISO 1114. As an exception, for the purpose of Table 3, germinated and flat beans shall not be considered defective.
Any lot of fermented cocoa beans, which exceeds one of the limits accepted for grade 2 shall be regarded as substandard and marked“SS”. Any lot of unfermented cocoa beans, which either does not meet the minimum level of slaty specified or exceeds one of the other limits accepted for grade 2 shall be regarded as substandard and marked “SS”. Substandard cocoa shall only be marketed under special contract.Lots of cocoa beans shall be within the standard for violet or purple beans, typical of the specified grade or origin.
The moisture content of lots of cocoa beans on loading in the producing country and on discharge outside the producing country, shall not exceed 7,5 % mass fraction.
Bean size is defined by the bean count and is usually expressed by the number of beans per 100 g.
a) Large beans: bean count of less or equal to 100.
b) Medium beans: bean count of 101 to 120.
c) Small beans: bean count greater than 120.
The mass of the sieving carried out in accordance with the method specified in Annex D should not exceed 1,5 % of the mass of the whole sample.ISO 2451 pdf free download.

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