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ISO 22004:2014 pdf free

ISO 22004:2014 pdf free.Food safety management systems一Guidance on the application of ISO 22000
Prerequisite programmes (PRPs) are basic programmes essential for maintaining a hygienic environment for production, processing and/or handling of product and are not implemented for the purpose of controlling specific identified hazards. ISO/TS 22002 (all parts)[6] provides guidance on the selection of PRPs applicable to different sectors/categories of the food chain. Other sources for selecting appropriate PRPs are listed in Annex C of ISO 22000. The organization should design the PRPs so that they are appropriate to the type of food, premise, facilities, process, location in the food chain, etc.
While PRPs and control measures are implemented and applied simultaneously in the organization, they should be developed sequentially. PRPs provide the environment for the safe production of products.This explains why the PRPs should be established and designed before proceeding to the hazard analysis.However, planning, implementation and updating of the PRPs and other parts of the FSMS may trigger the need for changes or improvements to the PRPs.
AIlI relevant data and information needed to conduct a complete hazard analysis should be gathered and documented. This includes identifying and assessing hazard occurrence in the raw materials,ingredients, processing, storage/handling environments and in the end products. Operations should be assessed to identify areas for potential cross contamination. Products may be grouped into similar categories depending on ingredients, processes and/or hazards.
The food safety team should also describe the intended use of the end product and consumer categories.Where appropriate, part of this process is to determine the consumption mode and to determine whether or not instructions for the proper preparation or use of the product are included in the label or otherwise communicated.
The hazard analysis is performed to establish which hazards are significant and, therefore, subject to validated control measures. It may occur that identified hazards are not determined to be significant:for example, when an identified hazard is within acceptable levels without further intervention by the organization.
If the information required for conducting the hazard assessment is unavailable to the food safety team or organization, additional information can be obtained from scientific literature, databases, regulatory agencies, or industry experts.ISO 22004 pdf free download.

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