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ISO 9170-1:2017 pdf free

ISO 9170-1:2017 pdf free.Terminal units for medical gas pipeline systems
Terminal units shall, when transported, stored, installed, operated in normal use and maintained according to the instructions of the manufacturer, present no risks that are not reduced to an acceptable level using risk management procedures in accordance with ISO 14971 and which are connected with their intended application, in normal condition and in single fault condition.
NOTE Maintenance of equipment is considered a normal condition.
A situation in which a fault is not detected is considered a normal condition. Fault conditions/hazardous situations can remain undetected over a period of time and as a consequence can lead to an unacceptable risk. In that case, a fault condition subsequently detected needs to be considered as a single fault condition. Specific risk control measures to deal with such situations need to be determined within the risk management process.
Measures should be taken to minimize electrical and mechanical hazards. National or regional regulations concerning such hazards may exist.
Terminal units and components, or parts thereof, which use materials or have forms of construction different from those detailed in this document, shall be presumed to be in compliance with the safety objectives of this document if it can be demonstrated that an equivalent degree of safety is obtained (i.e.compliance with requirements presumes that risks have been mitigated to acceptable levels) unless objective evidence to the contrary becomes available.
NOTE 1 Corrosion resistance includes resistance against moisture and surrounding materials.
NOTE 2 Oxygen compatibility is usually defined as the ability of a material to coexist with oxygen and a moderate ignition source. The aim of using oxygen-compatible materials is to develop a system design which has a low probability of ignition and low consequences based on the use of materials exhibiting good compatibility,low energy release if ignited or by minimizing the quantities of non-metallic components.
NOTE 3 Many materials which do not burn in air will do so in an oxygen enriched atmosphere, particularly under pressure. Similarly, materials which can be ignited in air require lower ignition energies to ignite in oxygen. Many such materials can be ignited by friction at a valve seat or by adiabatic compression produced when oxygen at high pressure is rapidly introduced into a system initially at low pressure.
NOTE 4 Design considerations and criteria for the selection of metallic and non-metallic materials are given in ISO 15001.ISO 9170-1 pdf download.

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